It's time to begin a step by step process of making your first web page. Be sure to compare your code to mine, making no typos. 1 typo can mess up a pages content. Don't worry to much about errors. They will always happen frequently. Just use the "Trial and Error" method of solving your problems that you may encounter. (I doubt you'll have many) This is what your html code should look like by now. It won't be exact because you'll be modifying the black text , but it should look similar. Put the Title Here You now want to add a heading in your web page. A heading is a larger text that usually corresponds to the content of your page. Lets say you're making a Macintosh page. Mine would be titled Extreme Mac. Now in order to get it the size and position you want, you'll have to look at the blue html code below.

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
You should see the pattern.

gives the text the largest size possible. You always have to end the tag with a

. If you don't the result will be a continuation of the heading size throughout the entire page. Think of baseball. You have to have a pitcher and a catcher. If you want to center your heading on the top of your page, just add in the code:
like this:

Extreme Mac

Now your html code should look similar to: Put the Title Here

Extreme Mac

Currently your page would look like an empty window with a centered text on the top middle of your screen saying: Extreme Mac Now add in a

as you can see above the to make all the rest of the text written later appear in a new paragraph beneath your heading.